When Fundraising Leaders Have Good Qualities Their Programs SOAR to New Heights

What it takes to be a true Leader, the one people choose to follow, is described in a book by Napoleon Hill. I would agree that a good Leader has the following traits. How do you stand next to this list?

  1. Unwavering courage based upon knowledge of self
  2. Self-control – a person who cannot control themselves cannot persuade others
  3. Keen sense of justice and fairness
  4. Sure of decisions
  5. A planner who works his plan
  6. Does more than what he or she is paid for
  7. Pleasing personality
  8. Sympathetic and understanding, knowing of their follower’s problems
  9. Master of details
  10. Willing to accept full responsibility
  11. Apply cooperative effort and induce followers to do the same

SOAR with Network Fundraising is based on Leaders being people of honor because they respect and appreciate the people helping them to raise money. Many times I’ve heard fundraisers say they have volunteers who do not participate. They do not do what they said they would. Take a look at #1 through #11 and if you can say, with sincere honesty, you are performing at 100%, then you have attracted the wrong person for some reason. It is time to have a discussion with them to find out what their motivation is, and politely thank them for their services if they are not inspired by your mission to do more.

There may be an item or two on the list, which you feel you can improve upon. Fantastic! Recognizing areas of development is always a step in the right direction. Everyday there are new lessons to teach and to learn. Life is ever-changing. Goals and missions course-correct. A good leader is willing to accept responsibility (#10) all of the time and this includes self (#1).

“The man who makes these (eleven factors) the basis of his leadership will find abundant opportunity to lead in any walk of life.” Napoleon Hill, Think And Grow Rich

A good leader attracts, and in the end flies to great heights in a V formation. Think of birds flying in a flock. They work together to soar. The networking arms of people do the same thing.

Good luck to you!

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