Tag Archives: Learning how to raise money

Reaching Fundraising Goals

Raising money – it’s a cakewalk! Certainly you can make money doing a cake walk**  but what we’re talking about now is “making it EASY to raise money.” Making sure it’s a piece of cake. Setting things up so raising money happens without too much effort. Finding the SWEET spot. What does it look like?

Set goals you can achieve

Watch for opportunities

Engage people in your program

Elevate your volunteer’s skills

Thankful heart – BE thankful for all people, places and things, which come your way! And, let it be known.

Simple enough! Spend time focused on the the SWEET areas within your program.

**Cakewalk: As music plays, people walk around a large circle of numbers. When the music stops, a number is picked from a container and the person standing closest to the corresponding number on the circle wins a cake. It’s a sweet deal! Especially if you get cakes donated and the players pay a small fee to participate. Then, it becomes a fun way to raise a little cash!

Learning to Raise Money

How fast are you learning to use social media, hash tags, and your phone for everything?! It’s a necessity when doing business these days. What if your job is raising money? How you use the tools improves your chances for being successful. Learning is education and systems are easy to learn when they are introduced step by step.

At SOAR with Network Fundraising there’s a proven system, which works for raising money in any community. You are encouraged to learn more. And, if you want to talk 1:1 then send an email to iwantto@soarwithnetworkfundraising.com and let us know!

Raise Money Fast

What’s the simple truth? Buy-in! When people believe in what you’re doing and they can see you’re also interested in their mission, it’s win/win.

Raise money fast by putting together opportunities for people to network with each other. Think about it – networking events – they bring people together AND people like them. You’re not asking for anything in return at these events. It is about spreading your word and creating opportunity for your guests so they can also share their message. There’s nothing selfish about it. Open the doors, let everyone share, and open people’s hearts to what you do.

networkingeventadvocatesYou may/may not know how to get started with planning a networking event. Here are some ideas.

  1. Choose a comfortable location where you can have people min n’ mingle in one area while you’re also presenting to a closed group in a different area.
  2. Put together a four-part program where there’s an MC (2 min. intro), a person sharing updates and letting everyone in the room introduce themselves (10 min.), a person or two sharing a story about your organization (4 min. each), and the MC closing out the session. In total, this program is less than 30 minutes.
  3. Group two of your programs, like the one discussed above in #2 around a networking opportunity AKA mix n’ mingle. Basically, program/mix n’ mingle/program. Everyone at the two programs comes together for the mix n’ mingle in the middle, which is the actual networking portion of the event.

When your program is solid and you have processes in place for bringing advocates (volunteers telling people about your mission) on board then you are on track for raising money fast. It all begins with your networking events where people choose to become deeper involved in your mission. THE KEY is to be ready for advocates. Learn more here!

The Best Time to Raise Money Is…

You’ve heard a watched pot never boils. Let’s just say you’re fundraising and pushing to fill the pot. You’re watching, watching, watching and not seeing the huge increases you were hoping for.

The best time to raise money is when you’re not needing to raise money! Watching the pot and expecting it to grow at a specific time is just not reasonable. Raising money is truly a full time activity. For example: You host an annual fundraiser and expect to raise all of the money you need. When this does work it’s because the organization is putting together activities leading up to the event. They work on the program all year long. Their fundraising plan is strategic.

The beginning of a fundraising plan:

  • How much money by when?
  • Methods for raising money – past, present and future
  • Timeline for each method
  • Participants – past, present and future
  • Resources (current + what’s needed)
  • Tracking mechanism
  • Maintaining focus of your program with your team

Focus more on the steps involved and not a specific event. You will get further faster. The pot will simmer, shake, and create a rolling boil. Before you know it the results you want will be happening because you’re not so focused on the end result.



When Fundraising Comes Easy

It’s not for everyone – have you heard those words before? Here’s a question for you – is it hard to raise money or do you find it easy? Be honest. It’s Monday morning and maybe you’re working today. You have appointments each day this week with different people you’re cultivating. What’s your biggest challenge in preparing for the visits? Here are some tips:

  1. Know the person you’re meeting with
  2. Outline the steps ahead of time to get you to what you want
  3. Be ready with “next steps”

Fundraising comes more easily when people are prepared. A fundraising plan, all laid out, is a great thing to have in your back pocket (figuratively speaking), for everyone you know. The person being asked to consider a gift – also has to be prepared. Let’s be honest. People around you know your job. They expect at some point to be asked.

Fundraising comes easy to a fundraiser when the person they’re planning to ask is ready to give. The only way to know that is to know the person!

What Two Things Improve Fundraising?

Volunteers and outreach. They were the same two things you were thinking of, right? Great minds think alike! Volunteers and outreach improve fundraising. You’re nodding and saying, “Okay, but how is the volunteer who’s helping us file papers in the office going to help us raise money?”

First – he/she is filing and you’re not. That’s the first helpful thing. Your job is raising money and it’s difficult to do that if you’re filing papers instead of talking with people.

Second – he/she knows people to share your message with.

If you’re like most people you spend time training volunteers to do whatever your non-profit needs and it is time-consuming! It sure is. The best volunteer is actually an advocate who shares your message with others because they are a part of your fundraising team.  

You’re skilled in what you have to do. What if I told you it doesn’t have to be so hard? What if you could have two new volunteers every week for the next month who are helping you spread the word about your mission?

To put it simply – volunteers are the main solution to picking up momentum in your fundraising program. They just are. How you bring people on board is your recruitment process. How you maintain them is your retention process. Spending time in these areas will help. Then – the outreach will come.

Screen shot 2018-01-05 at 10.37.11 AMIt’s a process – anyone can learn and use!

SOAR with Network Fundraising is a system for raising money. There are two opportunities to be educated. They both include a personal connection with a fundraising consultant. To learn more – click here!

Resolutions Raise Money

Do you believe resolutions help you raise money? We think of making resolutions for the new year and here we are – already IN 2018 for a week!!

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Literally, making a resolution is the act or process of resolving. We often think of ways to improve our lives at the end of a year for the NEXT year. It’s a concept, which really could happen at the end of EVERY MONTH…or EVERY WEEK…or EVERY DAY, right? Why do we wait for the end of the year?

Resolving is the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones. It’s the act of answering or solving. It is determining. Raising money is one of those complex acts, don’t you think? Certainly, it takes time to plan out the steps involved. Fundraisers usually do this by putting together a fundraising plan, which is simple enough. We have a page committed to doing just that at SOAR with Network Fundraising. You can take a look through this link – Click Here! It will give you a step toward a successful resolve.

SOAR also gives flight to fundraising plans through discussions with qualified fundraising professionals. You are guaranteed to resolve a bigger smile! Email iwantto@soarwithnetworkfundraising.com with your interest to learn more.


The Flight of Fundraising

Are you lifting off or landing? Fundraising gets the best elevation while in the air!

A V-formation with SOAR is the program associated with developing a volunteer program. It is a “V (volunteer) formation” and when it is done well – your program SOARS!

Think about it, the V-formation with birds is when they get to their destination in a fast and effective way because they work together to make it happen. It is their migration from an area of low resources to an area of high resources.

Wishing you a year of flight with your fundraising program. It’s time to remain in the air, in the current space, which is where success is accomplished.



See SOAR’s educational programs – Click here!

“NO DOUBT” – A Sign for Raising Money

A non-profit has many things to focus on and first and foremost it is the service they offer to help others. The mission is most-important – NO DOUBT!

There’s also no doubt when it comes to raising money. A non-profit generally has the majority of their funding acquired through grants and donations. There’s NO DOUBT the people they get their money from can certainly put those resources somewhere else. What happens then? It’s a very difficult time for a non-profit if they haven’t diversified their fundraising.

Think about your own money and the way you approach life. Did your mother ever mention something to you about putting all of your eggs in one basket? Have you found yourself saying the same thing to others? All of your eggs in one basket have a tendency to break when you trip and fall. Having numerous baskets with numerous carriers simply increases the odds of success. The same is true with raising money.

SOAR with Network Fundraising increases the odds of financial sustainability because we help organizations build networks of people, a V-formation, which works together to reach the destination!

It’s time to SOAR, raise more money and reach new heights – there’s NO DOUBT in the minds of successful non-profits who are working to SOAR with Network Fundraising.


The Essay on Life: “To You, I Raise a Cup of Cheer for Prosperity!”

“Through a life of laughter – I raise my cup of cheer.” I ask – are you a better person now than you were twelve months ago because you rose above and learned through a challenging time?

Napoleon Hill’s essay on life is a good look at perspective on life. Through this link you can hear him talk about it and below it is written out. My hope is that you find peace knowing you’ve done your best in 2017.

Essay on Life By Napoleon Hill

Life, you can’t subdue me because I refuse to take your discipline too seriously. When you try to hurt me, I laugh — and the laughter knows no pain. I appreciate your joys wherever I find them; your sorrows neither frighten nor discourage me, for there is laughter in my soul.

Temporary defeat does not make me sad. I simply set music to the words of defeat and turn it into a song. Your tears are not for me, for I like laughter much better, and because I like it, I use it as a substitute for grief and sorrow and pain and disappointment.

Life, you are a fickle trickster — don’t deny it. You slipped the emotion of love into my heart so that you might use it as a thorn with which to prick my soul — but I learned to dodge your trap with laughter. You tried to lure me with the desire for gold, but I have fooled you by following the trail which leads to knowledge instead. You induced me to build beautiful friendships — then converted my friends to enemies so you may harden my heart, but I sidestepped your figure on this by laughing off your attempts and selecting new friends in my own way.

You caused men to cheat me at trade so I will become distrustful, but I won again because I possess one precious asset which no man can steal — it is the power to think my own thoughts and to be myself. You threaten me with death, but to me death is nothing worse than a long peaceful sleep, and sleep is the sweetest of human experiences — excepting laughter. You build a fire of hope in my heart, then sprinkle water on the flames, but I can go you one better by rekindling the fire — and I laugh at you once more.

You have nothing that can lure me away from laughter, and you are powerless to scare me into submission. To a life of laughter, then, I raise my cup of cheer!

14046121_10204846371117808_4669610499791876103_n-1Wishing you a happy and joyful New Year. May you prosper in new ventures and live the life you’ve always dreamed. CHEERS to laughter and your prosperity!

Gayle Gross, Founder and CEO of SOAR with Network Fundraising