Tag Archives: Marketing

Value of Follow up – PRICELESS

People who follow up in a timely manner achieve greater success. It’s a bold statement. Do you agree? Take a look at someone who is doing well in growing their future. They share their message and then what?

OFFER opportunities to be involved. It’s the “O” in SOAR. First, you share your message and then make an offer. A person must follow up with individuals they shared their message with. The follow up includes an offer for the person contacted to participate in something for free with “no sale” involved. This is required for the next step in developing a solid relationship.

Timelier follow up is best. Meet today, call tomorrow, benefit forever. Does the benefit mean it’s a sale? Benefits arrive in many ways. Consider the basic fact and keep this with you, we feel joy within ourselves when following through on something. The act of contacting someone, preferably via phone because it allows for two-way conversation, brings enlightenment. Again – in many ways.

There’s one thing, which rings true time and time again. You’re encouraged to take notice. Following up gets put on the “low priority list” nine times out of ten. People get too busy with what’s next and forget about what’s happened. Those “easy” leads coming forward lose power over time. The longer we wait the more we lose.

Following up is truly THE KEY for moving forward in growing just about anything. This is a bold statement, in bold lettering, for a reason. People are encouraged to address the underlying reason for why they put less effort into following up when IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP in building trust for relationships.


Take the scenario of follow up calls – Have you been a procrastinator? Hands going up. YES, we all tend to put off for today what we can do tomorrow. The following list has been helpful for people wanting to shake this

  • Set up a favorite spot to do calls and go there with the intent of ONLY doing calls
  • Get comfortable with your favorite coffee or tea
  • Avoid distractions (i.e. when doing calls happens at home, avoid doing laundry at the same time)
  • Jump right in – the sooner the better (Meet today, call tomorrow, benefit forever)
  • Always have something to invite people to participate in. This is the next step. This is offering opportunities. This comes in many forms. 

SOAR offers 10 – 15 minute calls to anyone interested in talking more about growing market share. This is the next step we offer to you for increasing your market share. Schedule a call through this link and speak with the founder and CEO of SOAR.

Reality Impact for Growing Market Share & Raising Money

Reality – we impact and are impacted.

Social impact is something we hear a lot about. Businesses are choosing to give time, dollars and resources to organizations who create impact and offer value in return. During your next board meeting – make a list of the ways you’re giving back to the people giving to your organization. This goes for everyone! Every business has other people involved. A client gives any business they frequent their support. This, in turn, raises money.

Everyday reality changes. Let’s talk about how you do business. Stuck in what worked twenty years ago? Stuck in what worked a year ago? You know everything is time sensitive in this ever-changing world, right? You may have noticed what has worked in the past is not working as well any longer. It’s because we’re not in the same space any longer. It’s the impact of reality.

Staying on top of reality takes balance and the ability to move quickly. Stuck doesn’t work anymore. SOAR works with boards to create reality through natural talents and focused directional shifts. Something, which always remains true is the desire for success. The reality is – it’s something we can impact and it will definitely impact us!


Understanding Corporate Giving

By Gayle Gross

Companies are more cautious about revealing too much about their philanthropic activities, for fear of:

  • being inundated with requests they cannot fill.
  • raising the expectations of potential beneficiaries in a good year.
  • angering shareholders who may perceive the company’s charitable activity as giving away profits, or who don’t approve of the organizations or causes supported.
  • losing public support by giving to something considered controversial.

http://granspace.org is a great resource. The information above was borrowed from their website for this article.

Companies giving gifts requires a delicate balance. Engagement on behalf of the non-profit is important PRIOR to an ask.

I worked for a bank and EVERYDAY new requests for donations came in. EVERYDAY is not an exaggeration. I could add 1 – 3 new requests every day and on average it would still be correct. People the bank didn’t know came walking in the door with all of the right tools. The request letter, statement about their need, and a brochure about themselves.

Eventually, companies get the the point where there has to be a “giving back” component to the ask. What is the non-profit giving in return? Over time a strategic system began to develop at the bank. In 2017 the system was named and training others on the program began. There’s one catch. YOU have to SOAR and not be afraid to leave the ground!

At the bank, giving changed. Requests came in and they were strategically organized by which ones we could truly help. The reality was, we didn’t have a lot of money to give at the time. Instead, we did something new. The request would be for $5000 and we’d give $1000 along with resources (training) on how to fundraise $4000 more dollars. I’d sit on non-profit boards, and represent the bank through development functions. In the end, everyone grew market share! People saw the bank helping others in a new way.

SOAR goes above the basics for fundraising and lifts organizations into collaborative partnerships. Businesses, large and small, partner with non-profit(s) to create social impact where everyone benefits.

See what SOAR is…

Gayle Gross is the founder and CEO of SOAR. It’s time more businesses connect to increase market share. Collaborative Networking Events are making it happen! Email Gayle to learn more: iwantto@soarwithnetworkfundraising.com

Need Help Raising Money? Do a Monthly!

A monthly…what is that? It’s a no-long-term commitment month of time where you get what you need to raise more money because WE’VE been in your shoes for a very long time. We’ve heard:

“Double gifts within the next six months.” (Double $23,000, oh my…)

“Raise $7000 within the next two months.” (There’s nothing in place for where to begin, oh my…)

“Raise enough money to cover your salary.” (Oh my, oh my, oh my…)

Losing sleep was the problem for CEO and founder of SOAR, Gayle Gross. She was working in relationship development and fundraising, just like you. The goals were high and they had to be met quickly, which she was able to do…by developing a system. But, that’s not why you’re here.

There’s a program we offer, which helps to get you on track for reaching your financial goal. We call it a “Monthly with SOAR.” There’s no strings attached, no continued commitment. We begin by doing an audit of your current systems because that’s where we find the simple tweaks you can make to shift momentum! Honestly, we do what we do because not everyone has the ability to see things close up, and it’s hard to step back to see things objectively.

You begin a “monthly” by answering a questionnaire. Here’s the beginning:

  • What is your current individual goal for dollars raised?
  • By when would you like to achieve this?
  • How do you prepare for an ask?
  • What happens after the ask – when you get the money and when you don’t get the money?
  • And, so on…

We include a Link to pay in an email when you decide to move forward. But, talk to us first to see if it is a good fit. It is $225 for a month of focused direction to achieve your goal. This includes:

  • Open lines of communication, which means calls are welcome and encouraged. We take and answer questions related to your fundraising program and what you’ve hoping to accomplish
  • An audit of current systems, which includes suggested areas to tweak for better results
  • Steps are determined to accomplish goals. And, we put the parameters in place based on the audit and what we work on together
  • There’s an in-person visit (video conference for people outside Colorado Springs area) and at least one voice call scheduled for coaching
  • Fundraising templates are shared based on what you need

Businesswomen have a breakDenise at ESM in Colorado Springs said just yesterday that the calls really help her focus. She always has so many things going on and we talk once a week for twenty minutes. She feels it helps to get her back on track. She has also taken the bull by the horns and is hosting SOAR’s networking events to get the word out. Again, this is for another day!

Email iwantto@soarwithnetworkfundraising.com with your questions or schedule time to chat about a Monthly with SOAR. See the calendar by clicking this link. Gayle is the founder and CEO of SOAR. She takes time to work with everyone to accomplish their goal.

One more example: A major gifts officer from a local college just began this program. The goal is to come to you where you are, metaphorically. We begin at whatever level you’re at; beginning fundraiser or advanced officer with a desire to freshen things up.

Why People Donate & Why They Avoid You if You’re Asking for Gifts

Have you ever asked people why they give? This can be a donation of time, money, or resources. It is crucial to know why a person gives if you’re looking for donations. It is also important to know why some people may avoid you!

The top reason a person gives, believe it or not, is because someone they know has asked them to give and they want to help. Simple and sweet!

The next eight reasons for why people give, according to experience:

  1. Usually a person or someone they know is affected by what the mission is helping. They donate with a feeling to alleviate need.
  2. People give because of what they get in return. It could be a good feeling, tax benefit, recognition, or some sort of driving force they achieve for another mission
  3. People often feel emotionally moved by someone’s story. It becomes a personal connection and they have a desire to help
  4. A person wants a sense of closeness to a community or group
  5. There’s a desire to memorialize someone
  6. Charitable family traditions – it’s the way a person was brought up
  7. A person wants to leave a legacy
  8. The feeling of being fortunate and wanting to help others

Going back to the TOP reason about why people give; people asking people they know AND getting the donation.

The reality is – there’s a downside. People get tired of being asked again and again to give. The sense of obligation soon subsides and a person being asked begins to avoid the person asking. Take a simple test:

  • Are your calls going unanswered, again and again?
  • Do you feel the notes you send get lost in the mail?
  • Do you leave a lot of voice messages, which are rarely returned?

Answering yes to any of these questions shows there’s a problem. We can help. There’s a quick remedy. Read on.

Develop a fundraising system, which does not rely on the same people giving over and over again because the group you ask continues to grow AND you know them. When you ask – they will give!

At SOAR we work with progressive people and organizations. Become part of our network, Get Free Tips – click here!

We also offer a look at your fundraising system through this quiz. Click here!



Ready to Give Up on Fundraising? TALK

Have a simple conversation. There are two kinds – Motivational and Informational. They are both important when you’re ready to throw in the towel. You make these conversations happen in order to increase your enthusiasm.

Motivational conversations are with people who are: 

  • Supportive of our mission – who is that? Can you think of a couple of people who are interested in the work you do?
  • While thinking of names think about – is this person positive? Are they going to see things from a good perspective? Ask yourself – will they raise my spirit?
  • Creativity is important. A person with the ability to see the big picture and come up with ideas to help you get through the valley of doubt. KEY player!

Informational conversations remind us why we do what we do. They also increase our desire to achieve success because they happen when we are sharing our mission with others. These conversations are with people we interact with spontaneously. They are: 

  • People in stores, at restaurants, coffee shops, at the park and anyone we begin a conversation with while passing by.
  • Members of groups where we spend our time. This could be at work, church, during extracurricular activities and hobbies, or at networking events.
  • Someone we talk with at events and parties.

A conversation reminds you why you do what you do and how important your role is. NO DOUBT there are times when the amount of dollars you have to raise is overwhelming and you’d rather shut down and run to where there’s comfort. Go there, for sure, but only for a short time. Consider it an opportunity to refresh.

Need a good conversation? Schedule a complimentary motivational call with SOAR. See our calendar.

SOAR with Network Fundraising helps people all of the time! Here’s a Feb. 2018 testimonial:

Crossing the Gap of Fundraising

Answers to the following questions are your framework for crossing the gap:

  1. How do you educate people about your organization?
  2. What action steps do you have in place already?
  3. Where do you position yourself in the market?
  4. How do you plan to achieve your fundraising goal? Refer to your fundraising plan.

We began working with an organization February 8 who answered the questions the following way. The updated answers follow (2 months in).

  • How do you educate people about your organization?
    • Feb. 8 – We share our message through newsletters. We invite people to come into our office and we show them around. We do pretty good with our Facebook page. We are members of the chamber and go to events.
    • April 5 – We invite people to a networking event and facility tour at our location each month. We reach out to our partners, invite them and encourage them to become advocates because of the benefits we offer in return.
  • What action steps do you have in place?
    • Feb. 8 – We invite people to come in and learn about us. They can volunteer too.
    • April 5 – We designed a postcard invite for our networking events and tour. We give these out to people at events, and encourage advocates to share. We developed benefits for our advocates and share this with people. We train people on how to talk about our services. We talk more about our services and invite more people in. There’s momentum building.
  • Where do you position yourself?
    • Feb. 8 – We help people who are ____________. We have grown so much these last couple of years as more people have gotten to know who we are but our fundraising program is struggling. We host an annual event and two years ago we had 300 people attend. Last year we had 200. We have not met our fundraising goal but feel changing our event to a dinner will help.
    • April 5 – As a leader in the community. We educate people on services and we help people to get back on their feet. I love my job. It’s super, super busy but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
  • How do you plan to achieve your fundraising goal?
    • Feb. 8 – We will host our annual event in six months. Most people cannot come during the day so we’re doing a dinner instead of a lunch. We’ve already secured a speaker and the location. We will host in six months. Invitations will be sent to our mailing lists.
    • April 5 – Continue moving forward one day at a time. Keep this system that’s building active, among all of the other things I have to do. Our level of success is when we continue to move toward the goal. The process will take time but we will get there and it will be beneficial because of the relationships we’re building.

The statements above were paraphrased. The organization mentioned here learned about the program described in the book “SOAR with Network Fundraising” on

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February 8. They have chosen to begin hosting networking events and to follow the system through consulting.


  • Share your message with others
  • Offer opportunities for people to be involved
  • Accept the way people want to be involved
  • Respect and appreciate all people, ideas, and decisions



SOAR offers monthly, six month, and year-long programs. There is also a fundraising workshop during the summer, July 6 and 7, in Colorado. This is for people to learn the system and resource the tools to help grow a fundraising program. Learn about the different avenues to be involved through this link. 

Year-long Development Program for Fundraising

Add an experienced and successful fundraiser to your team for one year. SOAR gives a program away to one lucky non-profit every three months. Sign Up – Click Here! 

What you’ll get:

  • Monthly 1:1 Networking Meetings, which is a 50-minute call to discuss items you want to develop within your program
  • Training webinars:
    • The original series, which includes the development of your advocate program. This is the V-formation! You are also trained on a new fundraiser called the MIGRATION
    • The advanced series, which shows you how to partner with others for collaborative networking events and how to treat your advocate program like a multi-level marketing campaign.
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  • Original copy of the book – SOAR with Network Fundraising
  • Recording link for the webinar sessions so you can review, and share with your team for as long as you are in the program
  • FOCUS on growing your program, in your community, with your resources.

SOAR’s book describes a winning fundraising program. It provides the steps involved to achieve your highest success in a fast and effective way.

Register to win a year-long development program – Click Here! 


Simple Steps for Building Networks to Raise Money

Collaborative Networking Events – THE way to spread your wings and SOAR! This is when you partner a business, nonprofit, sponsor and attendees. The business and the sponsor may be one in the same.

  • Business – provides location
  • Sponsor – pays for event amenities (food, etc)
  • Non-profit – featured during presentation
  • Attendees come to NETWORK and will see the presentation

The Collaborative Networking Event is a mix n’ mingle partnered between two presentations. SOAR is an acronym for a relationship management style. Network Fundraising is the system. SOAR with Network Fundraising is described in a book – by the same name. There are also educational platforms described on the website. soarwithnetworkfundraising.org

Why network at all?

  • Develop relationships for business
  • Grow market share
  • Create sustainability

When does networking really work?

  • Growth happens within your network because of reciprocal services you provide to others
  • Reciprication happens when you’re giving back in meaningful ways because you know what someone values.

Networking methods – there are many. The one to consider, which happens officially in three meetings, is 1:1 networking.

  • Meeting #1
    • Learn more about the individual
    • Listen to ideas
    • Determine where there’s an overlap
    • Mutually share information about networks
  • Meeting #2
    • Offer support in meaningful ways
    • Add value
    • Determine how to recognize
    • Provide network leads and opportunities
  • Meeting #3
    • Determine the best way to develop a collaboration
    • Make the ask

SOAR with Network Fundraising – the book on Amazon – Click to order

Let’s connect on Social Networks

  • soarwithnetworkfundraising.com (FB)
  • gaylegross.com (FB)
  • gayle_gross (Twitter)
  • Linkedin.com/in/gaylegross (LinkedIn)

The 8th thing to do when asking for money!

1.) KNOW the person/organization you’re asking. AND, know why they will say yes when you ask for a donation. Ideas for getting to know them:

  • Invite them to attend activities you’re hosting (when you’re not asking for money or anything else in return) so you can talk and learn
  • Take a genuine interest in the things they do
  • Get involved in things they support
  • Attend something of their choosing

2.) Discover a general overlap of interests. This helps with building lasting relationships. It is always good to focus part of your appointments on a friendly discussion. Ideas:

  • FORM – family, occupation, relationships and mission/message

3.) Avoid boring anyone with information they already know. ASK for perspectives upfront. Find out what is already known and what participants would like to learn. Questions to ask to get clear:

  • What would you like to get from today’s meeting?
  • How would you see me being more involved in your mission?
  • Do you have a specific interest in the mission I’m involved with?

4.) Set an agenda for your meeting. Let anyone involved with the meeting know the meeting’s agenda. Also, ask anyone involved to add items ahead of time. Tips:

  • Set the agenda one week in advance
  • Send the agenda to everyone with a deadline date for adding new items
  • Always have the last section scheduled for new business and setting the next meeting

5.) Determine mutual benefit. Share this when asking for an appointment. What will the attendees gain through your meeting?

6.) ASK for the donation. Realize the benefit of giving to your organization and feel good about someone doing so. When you know why they will say yes it is time to ask.

7.) Thank everyone involved with a phone call and/or hand written note. Respect and appreciate others for the time they give to you.

If we were to add #8 it would be to attach yourself to a system for fundraising. Whether it is one you develop or one you adopt from someone else. A system is the way you implement fundraising. SOAR lays some groundwork below for our system.

Share your message with others.

Offer opportunities for people to be involved with your mission.

Accept the way people want to participate.

Respect and appreciate others.

We also have a networking event, which helps organizations increase their volunteer base, engage people interested in growing the program, and see the benefit for being involved. Want to learn more? See this link.