Tag Archives: startup

Relationships with Grantors – Four Tips

We love this statement by Amy Clinton, “The overall success of a grant writer should ultimately be measured by whether or not the organization for which that person is writing grants is building relationships and program credibility with funders and achieving incremental increases in grant funding revenues.”

Recently, an organization in our community saw the deletion of a grant they depended on. It was something they had received for years and at the end, the $125,000 they received last year, just went away without warning. That destroys programs and, it did! The program it funded was shut down.

Relationships and program credibility – how are you building them?

Tip #1: Share your message as often as you can with as many people as you can in the most-effective way.

Tip #2: Offer opportunities for people to be involved in your program and even invite the people within the organization/foundation granting money. They are not likely to attend but will appreciate the thought of inclusion to see how their money is being used.

Tip #3: Accept the way people participate in your program. This helps you to keep momentum going and maintains a positive perspective. A happy person says good things and can provide a testimonial for you later on. This looks good on applications.

Tip#4: Respect and appreciate everyone within your community. By this, we mean anyone associated with your mission and your organization. The same is true with those organizations offering similar services. Maintain the feeling of abundance. There’s enough to go around. Be thankful. SOAR (acronym for relationship development, which is outlined above).

Consider the following data, also provided by Amy Clinton (see her full article):

1. If an organization is submitting applications to already-established funders who know them well, they can expect:

a. For existing programs, high success rates, up to 90 percent
b. For expanding existing programs, good success rates, up to 80 percent
c. For new programs, lower success rates, generally 30 to 40 percent

2. If submitting applications to NEW funders, an excellent success rate would be 30 to 40 percent

3. If submitting applications to a combination of existing and new funders, an organization should expect a success rate of between 50 and 60 percent.

#soarwithnetworkfundraising assists organizations and individuals when they are determining the best way to GROW Community among their constituents. Increasing market share and raising money goes hand in hand. It’s easy when you choose to SOAR.

choosing to SOAR

Value of Follow up – PRICELESS

People who follow up in a timely manner achieve greater success. It’s a bold statement. Do you agree? Take a look at someone who is doing well in growing their future. They share their message and then what?

OFFER opportunities to be involved. It’s the “O” in SOAR. First, you share your message and then make an offer. A person must follow up with individuals they shared their message with. The follow up includes an offer for the person contacted to participate in something for free with “no sale” involved. This is required for the next step in developing a solid relationship.

Timelier follow up is best. Meet today, call tomorrow, benefit forever. Does the benefit mean it’s a sale? Benefits arrive in many ways. Consider the basic fact and keep this with you, we feel joy within ourselves when following through on something. The act of contacting someone, preferably via phone because it allows for two-way conversation, brings enlightenment. Again – in many ways.

There’s one thing, which rings true time and time again. You’re encouraged to take notice. Following up gets put on the “low priority list” nine times out of ten. People get too busy with what’s next and forget about what’s happened. Those “easy” leads coming forward lose power over time. The longer we wait the more we lose.

Following up is truly THE KEY for moving forward in growing just about anything. This is a bold statement, in bold lettering, for a reason. People are encouraged to address the underlying reason for why they put less effort into following up when IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP in building trust for relationships.


Take the scenario of follow up calls – Have you been a procrastinator? Hands going up. YES, we all tend to put off for today what we can do tomorrow. The following list has been helpful for people wanting to shake this

  • Set up a favorite spot to do calls and go there with the intent of ONLY doing calls
  • Get comfortable with your favorite coffee or tea
  • Avoid distractions (i.e. when doing calls happens at home, avoid doing laundry at the same time)
  • Jump right in – the sooner the better (Meet today, call tomorrow, benefit forever)
  • Always have something to invite people to participate in. This is the next step. This is offering opportunities. This comes in many forms. 

SOAR offers 10 – 15 minute calls to anyone interested in talking more about growing market share. This is the next step we offer to you for increasing your market share. Schedule a call through this link and speak with the founder and CEO of SOAR.

Understanding Corporate Giving

By Gayle Gross

Companies are more cautious about revealing too much about their philanthropic activities, for fear of:

  • being inundated with requests they cannot fill.
  • raising the expectations of potential beneficiaries in a good year.
  • angering shareholders who may perceive the company’s charitable activity as giving away profits, or who don’t approve of the organizations or causes supported.
  • losing public support by giving to something considered controversial.

http://granspace.org is a great resource. The information above was borrowed from their website for this article.

Companies giving gifts requires a delicate balance. Engagement on behalf of the non-profit is important PRIOR to an ask.

I worked for a bank and EVERYDAY new requests for donations came in. EVERYDAY is not an exaggeration. I could add 1 – 3 new requests every day and on average it would still be correct. People the bank didn’t know came walking in the door with all of the right tools. The request letter, statement about their need, and a brochure about themselves.

Eventually, companies get the the point where there has to be a “giving back” component to the ask. What is the non-profit giving in return? Over time a strategic system began to develop at the bank. In 2017 the system was named and training others on the program began. There’s one catch. YOU have to SOAR and not be afraid to leave the ground!

At the bank, giving changed. Requests came in and they were strategically organized by which ones we could truly help. The reality was, we didn’t have a lot of money to give at the time. Instead, we did something new. The request would be for $5000 and we’d give $1000 along with resources (training) on how to fundraise $4000 more dollars. I’d sit on non-profit boards, and represent the bank through development functions. In the end, everyone grew market share! People saw the bank helping others in a new way.

SOAR goes above the basics for fundraising and lifts organizations into collaborative partnerships. Businesses, large and small, partner with non-profit(s) to create social impact where everyone benefits.

See what SOAR is…

Gayle Gross is the founder and CEO of SOAR. It’s time more businesses connect to increase market share. Collaborative Networking Events are making it happen! Email Gayle to learn more: iwantto@soarwithnetworkfundraising.com

Building Networks to Raise Money is Looking Beyond the Simple Connection

Increasing market share naturally happens when relationships are established and then cultivated to be effective, as well as, sustainable.

Networking opens doors and then it’s time to look beyond the simple connection to determine the deeper dive, which establishes opportunities for giving back.

SOAR is a system anyone can learn and implement to be more successful when growing their program.

Businesses have gained market share to more than 50% in their community within one year. Non-profits have increased fundraising 126% within four months and 371% within sixteen months.

TRICK of the trade – SOAR

  • Share your message
  • Offer opportunities for people to be involved
  • Accept the way people participate
  • Respect and appreciate


Spend money where money works. Board development has the potential to grow fundraising by leaps and bounds when the right process is implemented AND it doesn’t take very much of the board’s time!

Something to get started with – turn things inside out before building. Know where your fundraising program needs help.

  • Break it down
  • Determine what’s working
  • Determine if there are items you can improve upon for better results
  • Dismantle parts taking up too much of your time with no positive results
  • Feel good about the changes!

The founder and CEO of SOAR works with boards on their fundraising program. Email iwantto@soarwithnetworkfundraising.com to schedule an initial call to determine if SOAR is a good fit for you.


Ready to Give Up on Fundraising? TALK

Have a simple conversation. There are two kinds – Motivational and Informational. They are both important when you’re ready to throw in the towel. You make these conversations happen in order to increase your enthusiasm.

Motivational conversations are with people who are: 

  • Supportive of our mission – who is that? Can you think of a couple of people who are interested in the work you do?
  • While thinking of names think about – is this person positive? Are they going to see things from a good perspective? Ask yourself – will they raise my spirit?
  • Creativity is important. A person with the ability to see the big picture and come up with ideas to help you get through the valley of doubt. KEY player!

Informational conversations remind us why we do what we do. They also increase our desire to achieve success because they happen when we are sharing our mission with others. These conversations are with people we interact with spontaneously. They are: 

  • People in stores, at restaurants, coffee shops, at the park and anyone we begin a conversation with while passing by.
  • Members of groups where we spend our time. This could be at work, church, during extracurricular activities and hobbies, or at networking events.
  • Someone we talk with at events and parties.

A conversation reminds you why you do what you do and how important your role is. NO DOUBT there are times when the amount of dollars you have to raise is overwhelming and you’d rather shut down and run to where there’s comfort. Go there, for sure, but only for a short time. Consider it an opportunity to refresh.

Need a good conversation? Schedule a complimentary motivational call with SOAR. See our calendar.

SOAR with Network Fundraising helps people all of the time! Here’s a Feb. 2018 testimonial:

The V formation for Fundraising

The V formation is a volunteer format. Think of birds flying in a flock.

V Formation is a pattern most often used by a flock of birds. Birds maintain a healthy balance and do not get tired while flying because they lift each other up. Their wings create an updraft as the flock works together to reach its common goal. They soar.

Leaders and Followers are part of the V formation for birds. They have a leader at the head of the V formation and there are many followers, which form the flock. The leader drops back into the flock when they become tired. Another bird takes over the lead when this happens in order to continue the momentum.

Building a V formation for your fundraising efforts starts with you, the leader of fundraising. There’s a three step process, which involves meeting with a person you’d like to bring on board. We (SOAR with Network Fundraising) suggest putting the process into three months because it takes time to build relationships but you can change it. Each situation is different.

Month 1: Leader meets with an individual to learn more about them, listens to their ideas, and determines where the organization and individual overlap. In addition, they also share information about the networks where they each belong. This is considered a one to one (“1:1”) networking meeting.

Month 2: Leader supports the individual in ways, which are meaningful for them and adds value to their business or other interests. The Leader determines how this new person likes to be recognized, and provides network leads and opportunities.

Month 3: Leader determines the best way to integrate the new person into the formation as an Advocate and makes the ask with an established role already in mind.

  • People want to know how much time they are committing to you for your V formation
  • They want to know what their job description looks like
  • The biggest and most important thing to remember is that these people are giving of their time to you and to your organization. This is energy they can spend elsewhere – be appreciative



The 8th thing to do when asking for money!

1.) KNOW the person/organization you’re asking. AND, know why they will say yes when you ask for a donation. Ideas for getting to know them:

  • Invite them to attend activities you’re hosting (when you’re not asking for money or anything else in return) so you can talk and learn
  • Take a genuine interest in the things they do
  • Get involved in things they support
  • Attend something of their choosing

2.) Discover a general overlap of interests. This helps with building lasting relationships. It is always good to focus part of your appointments on a friendly discussion. Ideas:

  • FORM – family, occupation, relationships and mission/message

3.) Avoid boring anyone with information they already know. ASK for perspectives upfront. Find out what is already known and what participants would like to learn. Questions to ask to get clear:

  • What would you like to get from today’s meeting?
  • How would you see me being more involved in your mission?
  • Do you have a specific interest in the mission I’m involved with?

4.) Set an agenda for your meeting. Let anyone involved with the meeting know the meeting’s agenda. Also, ask anyone involved to add items ahead of time. Tips:

  • Set the agenda one week in advance
  • Send the agenda to everyone with a deadline date for adding new items
  • Always have the last section scheduled for new business and setting the next meeting

5.) Determine mutual benefit. Share this when asking for an appointment. What will the attendees gain through your meeting?

6.) ASK for the donation. Realize the benefit of giving to your organization and feel good about someone doing so. When you know why they will say yes it is time to ask.

7.) Thank everyone involved with a phone call and/or hand written note. Respect and appreciate others for the time they give to you.

If we were to add #8 it would be to attach yourself to a system for fundraising. Whether it is one you develop or one you adopt from someone else. A system is the way you implement fundraising. SOAR lays some groundwork below for our system.

Share your message with others.

Offer opportunities for people to be involved with your mission.

Accept the way people want to participate.

Respect and appreciate others.

We also have a networking event, which helps organizations increase their volunteer base, engage people interested in growing the program, and see the benefit for being involved. Want to learn more? See this link.



Raising Money & Building Networks!

“The more people you know, the more places you’ll go.” Sounds like a familiar quote, right? It’s close but not quite the same as Dr. Seuss (if you’re wondering).

Building networks goes hand in hand with raising money and increasing market share. Take the text literally. The more people you know and share your message with, the more growth you’ll have. NOW, the caveat. There are ways to do this without appearing overt and this is where developing your skill comes in.

“I want what I want, not what I need” may seem familiar if you know the band The Federal Empire. Take this text literally and ask for what’s needed while also giving what’s needed to the person you’re asking. Confused? You’re not alone. What a person needs is not always what they ask for because they ask for what they want, remember? There are ways to get everything sorted out to put yourself on the right path toward achieving fundraising success and asking for what you need. There’s a simple system, which you may not want to do BUT it is what you need to do!

Organizations go through growing pains – that’s right – growth in fundraising through a new system causes the same pain you feel while growing in other ways. The good thing is that it doesn’t last long. The reality is 4 – 8 weeks and then, the process and persistence pays off. It’s happening now. Statistics prove raising money is done through building networks. SOAR is the way to go when you’re ready to fly.

FREE strategy sessions available – Schedule Now – Click Here!



The Best Time to Raise Money Is…

You’ve heard a watched pot never boils. Let’s just say you’re fundraising and pushing to fill the pot. You’re watching, watching, watching and not seeing the huge increases you were hoping for.

The best time to raise money is when you’re not needing to raise money! Watching the pot and expecting it to grow at a specific time is just not reasonable. Raising money is truly a full time activity. For example: You host an annual fundraiser and expect to raise all of the money you need. When this does work it’s because the organization is putting together activities leading up to the event. They work on the program all year long. Their fundraising plan is strategic.

The beginning of a fundraising plan:

  • How much money by when?
  • Methods for raising money – past, present and future
  • Timeline for each method
  • Participants – past, present and future
  • Resources (current + what’s needed)
  • Tracking mechanism
  • Maintaining focus of your program with your team

Focus more on the steps involved and not a specific event. You will get further faster. The pot will simmer, shake, and create a rolling boil. Before you know it the results you want will be happening because you’re not so focused on the end result.



Resolutions Raise Money

Do you believe resolutions help you raise money? We think of making resolutions for the new year and here we are – already IN 2018 for a week!!

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Literally, making a resolution is the act or process of resolving. We often think of ways to improve our lives at the end of a year for the NEXT year. It’s a concept, which really could happen at the end of EVERY MONTH…or EVERY WEEK…or EVERY DAY, right? Why do we wait for the end of the year?

Resolving is the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones. It’s the act of answering or solving. It is determining. Raising money is one of those complex acts, don’t you think? Certainly, it takes time to plan out the steps involved. Fundraisers usually do this by putting together a fundraising plan, which is simple enough. We have a page committed to doing just that at SOAR with Network Fundraising. You can take a look through this link – Click Here! It will give you a step toward a successful resolve.

SOAR also gives flight to fundraising plans through discussions with qualified fundraising professionals. You are guaranteed to resolve a bigger smile! Email iwantto@soarwithnetworkfundraising.com with your interest to learn more.